How ObjectBaseX Works

Example: Insurance agency staff and a company claims adjuster can share policy information...

ObjectBaseX™ presents a major step forward in sharing document-based information throughout your organization--and with your business partners. Instead of photocopying a set of documents and going through the hassle and expense of an overnight airfreight shipment--or standing by the fax machine waiting for all the pages to transmit--ObjectBaseX permits you to easily retrieve and share key documents.

For example, consider a typical insurance claim. The customer calls the agent, who in turn brings a claims adjuster into the conversation. The adjuster and the agent can both view policy information and other key documents--even though they may be different parts of the country.

How it works:
ObjectBaseX is a web-based document management solution. All you have to do is log in to ObjectBaseX from any web browser--when you connect, ObjectBaseX automatically links you to the database(s) to which you have access. You can add new documents, edit existing documents, search for documents, move documents from one folder to another, add indexes to documents to make searching simpler, and manage document security--all from your web browser.

A typical insurance claim:
Roger is an independent insurance agent. A customer calls looking for homeowner's insurance--Roger visits the customer, fills out the application form, takes half a dozen snapshots with a digital camera, and returns to his office. Roger scans the application with his desktop scanner, and saves the snapshots of the customer's home to his desktop PC. Roger connects to ObjectBaseX, opens his Agents database, and creates a new folder for this customer. He adds the application and the digital photos to the folder, and adds indexes that include his agent number and the the customer's name. Roger sends an email to an underwriter--everything the underwriter needs to rate the policy is contained in the ObjectBaseX folder. The underwriter views the folder and issues the policy--and adds the policy document (an Adobe Acrobat PDF file) to the folder. The underwriter also indexes the document with the policy number.

Eight months later the customer has a loss, and contacts the agency office. Roger puts the customer in touch with a claims adjuster; he visits the customer and takes digital pictures of the damage. Roger creates a folder for the claim, and adds it to the policy folder that already exists in ObjectBaseX. Roger adds the snapshots of the damage to the folder. The claims adjuster adds notes about the loss, and subsequent documents regarding estimates for repair, final bills, and payment issued.

The entire case file is available to the agent, the underwriter, and the adjuster--no matter where they are. All of the documents--the application, reports, notes, and photographs--can be viewed in a web browser. All of the documents are secured in multiply-redundant server environments, and a wide range of security measures ensure that only authorized users can view the data.

Document management for your company's future
ObjectBaseX works--and working with ObjectBaseX your company can share documents, work more effectively across multiple offices, integrate with business partners, and save expensive office space. You and your associates can collaborate--knowing that your data is secure, your documents are backed up, and you are protected against system failures and any form of catastrophe. ObjectBaseX works for you...