ObjectBaseX Security

Executive summary:
ObjectBaseX™ lets you maintain an unbelievable amount of control over how your data is stored, retrieved, and managed.
Next executive task...

6 layers of security
ObjectBaseX provides very strong security for your documents using a multi-layered approach to information security. The security of your data is a very serious issue. We want to prevent the intruder from outside, of course--but frequently the biggest security problems come from inside an organization: the trusted insider who might just be peeking into data that isn't his business; or the malicious criminal who is out to wreak havoc before leaving the company.

ObjectBaseX permits you to carefully manage your data security. You can specify which users (or groups of users) have access to particular databases, folders, or documents. And you can specify where those databases can be accessed from: if you want to restrict access to a given database to in-house computers, or block access to a database by a particular network segment, you can. ObjectBaseX gives you a very fine degree of control over your data.

Password security
ObjectBaseX uses a very strong password-authentication system. Users connect using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) which effectively prevents eavesdropping. Passwords are encrypted on the server; and the login process includes logic to prevent both "session spoofing" and "dictionary attacks"--two common forms of hacking.

IP address restriction
ObjectBaseX includes the ability to restrict access to a particular database by IP address. In many circumstances you will want to permit users to access data from anywhere on the Internet--so you can review last-minute document revisions from a hotel room, for instance. But in some circumstances you may want to restrict access to a particular database to users within your corporate or campus network; or block access from a particular IP address range.

Database security
Each ObjectBase database includes security--so you can restrict a user's rights in a particular database. Many smaller ObjectBaseX customers maintain all of their data in a single database: but where there are significant distinctions to be made in data--or who has access to that data--it may make sense to maintain multiple databases. So, for instance, a hospital might maintain one database with patient admission and billing records, and another database with imaging from radiology and pathology departments.

Folder security
Each database includes folders--much like drawers in a filing cabinet--a folder can include documents or other folders. Each user or group of users can have security privileges defined for each folder. This permits you to restrict some users (or groups) to some folders--or prevent users (or groups) from seeing the contents of other folders. If you are an Evil Villain you might want to let all of your minions view your Plans for World Domination folder, but restrict access to your Nefarious Schemes folder to your more trusted henchmen.

Document security
In some circumstances you might want to assign security privileges for specific documents. For example, if you are managing a radiology database you might have a folder of images created at Central Hospital in May of 2002--you might wish to give privileges to the folder to all doctors who are members of the Central Hospital Radiologists group--or you may wish to restrict each document to just the radiologist who ordered that test.

(Does folder and document security sound confusing? It can be--we explain a lot more about how these features work, and why you might want to take advantage of them, in the Training material.)

Intruders aren't just out to pry into your data: they want to pry into your data without being caught. Each connection to ObjectBaseX is logged--and each action done in ObjectBaseX is logged. The data security system records what actions were done to which documents--by which users, at what time, connecting from where. If a user abuses your data privileges you will be able to determine what he or she viewed, altered, or added; when the changes were made; and from where the user logged in.

We take security very, very seriously
Can you share data across the Internet--and keep that data secure? Yes--thousands and thousands of documents are entrusted to ObjectBaseX every day. Our layered approach to security helps ensure that your data is available, accessible, and can easily be shared--but only with the people you wish to share that data with...